Quick Devotional

Today I want to encourage someone to do what God reminded me in His word that I should always do – That is to RUN TO GOD FIRST. Yes to RUN TO HIM FIRST IN PRAYER – before running to anyone or anything else for a solution – RUN TO GOD FIRST. Yes I want someone to be reminded that “Let God be your first response” When things take a turn you don’t quite understand – Let your first response be God. When your Health plays games on you – Let your FIRST RESPONSE BE GOD. When you schooling kinda goes South – Let God be your first response. Your Car breaks down – Let God be your FIRST RESPONSE. You are faced with a difficult decision to make – let God be your FIRST RESPONSE. God wants us to run to Him with our everyday life to Him. He wants us to run to Him when we Don’t know what to do. Its so easy to run to the phone to call a friend, your mom/dad, your pastor, your boss, your prayer partner, your doctor…etc. I know – I do that sometimes – But I am reminded and challenged by Nehemiah (Read Nehemiah 1:2-7) who when faced with bad news, ran to God in prayer and fasting before seeking help or consulting in others for a solution. RUN to God today. Your answer, solution and directive is in PRAYER. Ask yourself this “Who would you rather have attend to your situation? God or Man? RUN TO GOD FIRST and let Him direct you from there. MAY GOD BE YOUR FIRST RESPONSE NOT YOUR LAST RESORT. Be blessed, stay encouraged and Have a wonderful Saturday 🙂

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