In life you will come across three kinds of people

  1. ACCUSERS aka Fault finders



All who play a vital role in your life. Its not so much about what they do that matters the most but rather how you (bounce back) respond to them. Your response and attitude towards people or situations you encounter in your daily life has great significance to who you become and how far in life you will go.

Take a moment to read 1 Samuel 1 . This text talks about a woman named Hannah who encountered these three groups of people I have mentioned above and will talk more about shortly.

Hannah encounter Peninnah (The Accuser), Elkanah (The Lover/Empathizer) and Eli (The Destiny Changer/Prophet).

Today we will focus on the Accuser – the Ms. Peninnahs’ of this world

THE ACCUSER (Ms. Peninnah)

The bible says ” Peninnah would taunt Hannah because Hannah did not have children”. She really made Hannah have it! And constantly reminded her of her barrenness (inadequacy). Ms. Peninnah took pleasure in rubbing it in to Hannah because of her lack of children and making it a point she never forgets. And this went on year after year – a constant reminder of broken dreams for Hannah.

At some point in your life you have come across a Ms. Peninnah – an Accuser/fault finder in your life. Maybe you currently having your own fair share of Ms. Peninnah(s) as we speak. So what does Peninnah look like:

Peninnah (The Accuser)

is that person who seems to only see the wrong that you do. They are constantly looking for your flaws, faults, weaknesses, lack, inadequacy etc. and highlighting those areas more so than others. Nothing you do ever seems to be right in their eyes. You could be saying YELLOW and all they can hear you say is RED. You could be saying one thing with good intentions but they have this amazing ability to twist it to sound totally different. Nothing you ever do around a Ms. Peninnah is ever good enough, right or correct. There’s always a hidden agenda. It seems like they take delight in stomping on your dreams and hopes. Sound familiar?

Ms. Peninnah comes in various forms- it could be a “friend”, co-worker, sibling, partner, spouse, a relative, neighbor, a leader, a boss… you name it! all they seem to do is want to remind you of what you maybe even trying to forget or walk away from. They are a constant reminder of what you did wrong not what you do right. They magnify your mistakes while turning a blind eye to your strengths and the good you do. And when they can’t find any wrong against you they just don’t like you – they don’t know why but they just don’t.

At the core of a Ms. Peninnah is deep rooted insecurities that really have nothing to do with you (Hannah). I would like to believe that Peninnah’s behavior towards Hannah was simply a projection of her insecurities. She felt threatened by Hannah. That even in her bareness (Hannah) she had managed to win their husbands love and heart. Elkanah’s affection and favor for Hannah was obvious. The bible says Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters. But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the Lord had closed her womb.

“Sometimes people’s issues with you have nothing really to do with you but rather with the jealousy, envy or comparison that others have against the favor of God on your life”.

So what should your response and attitude towards a Ms. Peninnah?

Understand that other peoples’ negative behavior /attitude towards you has little to do with you but more to do with them and possibly their own deep rooted insecurities. People will sometimes only see you at their level of maturity or insecurity.

Just because people are threatened by the greatness on the inside of you doesn’t mean you should shrink down to their level to be loved and accepted by them.

If they can’t LEVEL UP to your awesomeness that’s on them not you. You keep LEVELING UP. SHOW UP AND SHOW OFF your authentic self.

FOCUS your attention on those that matter and add value to your life. I know its hard when people don’t appreciate or value your presence or contribution. I know there’s sometimes an urge to want to prove ourselves to those who have rejected you, abused you, ignored you, cruelly taunted you or mistreated/misrepresented you – BUT resist that urge – focus ahead, master your craft, stay true to yourself, stay grounded in your faith and beliefs and hold on to your dreams.

When you encounter an Accuser it can be:

Disappointing? – Yes

Discouraging ? – Yes

Humiliating? – Yes

Disheartening? – Yes!!!!

BUT – Don’t give in, don’t give up. Stay authentic! Run the coarse! Run your Race with pride, honor and integrity!

Hannah channeled her pain, hurt and tears to prayer. She left all her frustrations at the alter. She knew where to go for help and hope. Because she kept her attention on the prize of God’s favor – in time God answered and fulfilled her hearts desires and gave her not just one child but many other children.

My question to you today is : What are you doing with your pain, with the rejection, the judgement, the labelling, the accusations? Are you soaring above or are shrinking and drowning in the negativity. Friend we cannot control what people think, say or do – BUT we certainly have 100% control over how we react, respond and behave towards what comes at us.

You are not alone in this. Many have gone through something similar to what you have gone through and come out victorious. There are so many examples in scriptures that show how sometimes people will become jealous and even intimated by God’s favor on a person’s life.

  • King Saul became jealous and felt threatened by the favor that David had with God and man. What started off as a beautiful friendship ended with King Saul actively hunting down David’s life. Read 1 Samuel 19
  • Cain killed his brother Abel because of jealousy he had over the favor Abel found with the Lord. Read Genesis 4:3-12
  • Plot against Daniel. Because of the favor of God on Daniel’s life – his co-workers sought to find ways to discredit him -Read Daniel 6
  • Joseph was betrayed by his own brothers because they were jealous of the love and favor that he received from their father. Read Genesis 37

While God’s favor attracts Accusers but it also attracts Destiny Changers and Empathizers along the way too.

Watch out for my next blog posts as we learn more about the other two kinds of people :



Devotion Prayer: God may we never forget who we are and our identity in you just because of words that were spoken against us. Help us to keep our hearts and eyes on you even in the face of adversity. Remind us daily of your unfailing love and favour you have on us. Give us strength to rise above discouragement, insults, negativity and anything that does not align to you purpose and will for our lives. We commit our everyday living in your hands in Jesus name,


Let your Light Shine Bright!!!

Be encouraged and stay favored

Talk to you soon 🙂

an LRJ – She Speaks Edition